…Igniting Africa’s Entrepreneurship… Fueling Unicorns


Unlock Your Potential

Media and Entertainment


Trade and Market Access


Date: Coming soon…

Film and Theater Masterclass

🌟 Mode: Virtual & Physical

Dive into the world of film and theater production in Africa. Discover the creative process, industry insights, and innovative approaches to storytelling that are shaping the African entertainment landscape.

The First Year Of Return was a campaign pioneered by the president of Ghana in 2019 as a major landmark spiritual and birth-right journey inviting the Global African family, home and abroad to reconnect, heal and rebuild the homeland.

Africa is blessed with a wealth of natural resources and vibrant young minds. The Year of Return, Africa 2024, aims to empowering African youth & businesses through innovation, entrepreneurship, and skill-building initiatives.

YORA Kenya, 2024 is a two-day conference taking place on 10th – 11th October 2024.

*LIMITED CAPACITY. Masterclass attendees get access to YORA Conference.

Date: Coming soon…

Fintech and Capital Markets Masterclass

🌟 Mode: Virtual & Physical

Delve into the rapidly evolving landscape of financial technology and capital markets in Africa. Gain insights into the latest innovations, regulatory frameworks, and investment opportunities driving fintech growth on the continent.

*LIMITED CAPACITY. Masterclass attendees get access to YORA Conference.

Date: Coming soon…

Trade and Market Access AGOA Masterclass

🌟 Mode: Virtual & Physical

Explore the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) and its implications for trade and market access in Africa. Learn about export opportunities, trade facilitation strategies, and how to leverage AGOA to expand your business reach.

Explore the intersection of sports, media, and entertainment in Africa and beyond. Learn about emerging trends, opportunities, and strategies to thrive in this dynamic industry.

Dive into the world of film and theater production in Africa. Discover the creative process, industry insights, and innovative approaches to storytelling that are shaping the African entertainment landscape.

Delve into the rapidly evolving landscape of financial technology and capital markets in Africa. Gain insights into the latest innovations, regulatory frameworks, and investment opportunities driving fintech growth on the continent.

Explore the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) and its implications for trade and market access in Africa. Learn about export opportunities, trade facilitation strategies, and how to leverage AGOA to expand your business reach.

*LIMITED CAPACITY. Masterclass attendees get access to YORA Conference.


(Lion's Den)


Roam freely through the Lion’s Den – the exhibition area where groundbreaking innovations and startups are showcased. Witness the pride and strength of Africa’s entrepreneurship.

(Your Majesty)


Join the Elephant’s Wisdom Circle for exclusive access to panel discussions and keynotes exploring the latest trends and insights. Gain a panoramic view of the entrepreneurial landscape.



Elevate yourself at the Giraffe’s Lounge, a networking area where attendees connect with industry giants and thought leaders. Forge alliances that leave an indelible mark.


Side Events

Sprint into adventure and experience the event from  a unique vantage point with numerous  side events and exclusive activities. Get a holistic view of Africa’s transformative journey.